Graduate reading for DPhil Materials
Wolfson College
University of Oxford
I graduated from Kasetsart University, Thailand with a B.Eng and M.Eng in Chemical Engineering. My Master research was the study of electrochemical properties and applications of Metal-Organic Framework/Graphene nanocomposites. I am now a DPhil student in Department of Materials, the University of Oxford under the supervision of Professor Nicole Grobert and Professor Peter G Bruce.
My research intensively focuses on tailoring nanomaterials for energy applications, Involving synthesis and characterization materials for anodes in Lithium-ion batteries.
Vertically-aligned silicon carbide nanowires as visible-light-driven photocatalysts
JD Hong, SS Meysami, V Babenko, C Huang, S Luanwuthi, J Acapulco, P Holdway, PS Grant, N Grobert
Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 218, 267-276 (2017) | DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.06.056
P Srimuk, S Luanwuthi, A Krittayavathananon, M Sawangphruk
Electrochimica Acta, 2015. 157: p. 69-77
M Sawangphruk, Y Sanguansak, A Krittayavathananon, S Luanwuthi, P iSrimuk, S Nilmoung, S Maensiri, W Meevasana, J Limtrakul
Carbon, 2014. 70: p. 287-294
Permselective properties of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide electrodes
Y Sanguansak, P Srimuk, A Krittayavathananon, S Luanwuthi, N Chinvipas, P Chiochan, J Khuntilo, P Klunbud, T Mungcharoen, M Sawangphruk
Carbon, 2014. 68: p. 662-669.
A Krittayavathananon, P Srimuk, S Luanwuthi, M Sawangphruk
Analytical chemistry, 2014. 86(24): p. 12272-12278
S Luanwuthi, A Krittayavathananon, P Srimuk, M Sawangphruk
RSC Advances, 2015. 5(58): p. 46617-46623
M Sawangphruk, P Srimuk, P Chiochan, A Krittayavathananon, S Luanwuthi, J Limtrakul
Carbon, 2013. 60: p. 109-116
T Kaewsongpol, M Sawangphruk, P Chiochan, M Suksomboon, P Suktha, P Srimuk, A Krittayavathananon, S Luanwuthi, P Iamprasertkun, J Wutthiprom, N Phattharasupakun, P Sirisinudomkit, T Pettong, J Limtrakul
Materials Today Communications, 2015. 4: p. 176-185
M Suksomboon, P Srimuk, A Krittayavathananon, S Luanwuthi, M Sawangphruk
RSC Advances, 2014. 4(100): p. 56876-56882.
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