Nanomaterials by Design

Jesus Antonio I. Acapulco Jr.

Graduate reading for DPhil Materials
St. Catherine's College
University of Oxford

Short Biography

I acquired my BS Chemistry degree in the Philippines, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT). I then pursued my Masters Degree at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, with the thesis title of Optical Properties of Noble Metal Core-Hollow-Shell Nanostructures. Two years under the supervision of Professor Sungho Park, I found myself interested in nanomaterials particularly understanding the science behind the synthesis of such novel materials. Currently, I am a DPhil student in the Department of Materials in University of Oxford under the supervision of Professor Nicole Grobert.

Research Summary

The project that I am working on deals with the synthesis of low dimensional boron nitride nanomaterials for thermal management applications.


Vertically-aligned silicon carbide nanowires as visible-light-driven photocatalysts

J Hong, S S Meysami, V Babenko, C Huang, S Luanwuthi, J Acapulco, P Holdway, P S. Grant, N Grobert
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 218, 267-276

Magnetic Modulation of Surface Plasmon Resonance by Tailoring Magnetically Responsive Metallic Block in Multisegment Nanorods

I Jung, H J Jang, S Han, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., S Park
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 8433-8441

Controlling Optical Properties of Metallic Multi-shell Nanoparticles through Suppressed Surface Plasmon Resonance

J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., S Hong, S K Kim, S Park
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 461, 376-382

Close-Packed Two-Dimensional Silver Nanoparticle Arrays: Quadrupolar and Dipolar Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling

S Yun#, S Hong#, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., H Y Jang, S Ham, K Lee, S K Kim, S Park
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015, 21, 6165-6172

Preparation of Two-Dimensional Au Nanoparticle Arrays with Controllable Gap Distance: Interparticle Coupling Effect on Surface Plasmon Resonance and SERS

T H Kim#, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr.#, S Hong, S Lee, S Park
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2015, 36, 815-821

Fabrication of 2D Au Nanorings with Pt framework

H J Jang, S Ham, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., Y Song, S Hong, K L Shuford, S Park
Journal of the American Chemical Society(JACS) 2014, 136(50), 17674-17680

Au Nanodisk-Core Multishell Nanoparticles: Synthetic Method for Controlling Number of Shells and Intershell Distance

S Hong, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., H Y Jang, S Park
Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26,(12), 3618-3623

Kinetically Controlled Growth of Gold Nanoplates and Nanorods via a One-Step Seed-Mediated Method

S Hong, J A. I. Acapulco, Jr., H J Jang, A S. Kulkarni, S Park
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2014, 35, 1737-1742

Conference contributions

Functional h-BN coating on CNTs
Seyyed Shayan Meysami, Megan Carter, Xiewen Liu, Koen Evers, Jesus Antonio I. Acapulco Jr., Vitaly, Vitaly Babenko, Nicole Grobert
NanoteC17, University of Nantes, France – Nantes, 30 Aug – 2 Sep 2017 [talk].

Optical Properties of Hybrid Nanostructure : Assembly of Au Nanoparticles and Au Nanorods
Kyungeun Lee, Songhee Han, Insub Jung, Jesus Antonio Acapulco Jr, Sungho Park
The 114th fall meeting of the Korean Chemical Society [Poster]

Morphology Evolution and Surface Plasmon Observance of Gold Nanorod-in-a-Multi-Nanoshell by Galvanic Replacement
Jesus Antonio Acapulco Jr, Ho-Young Jang, Kyungeun Lee, Sungho Park
The 113th spring meeting of the Korean Chemical Society [Poster]

Three-dimensional silicon as anode coated on Cu NRs for lithium-ion battery
Sanghyun Cho, Soonchang Hong, Jesus Antonio Acapulco Jr., Sungho Park
The 112th fall meeting of the Korean Chemical Society [Poster]

Direct Formation of Graphene Nanomesh on Au Nano-Network as Metal Catalysts
Insub Jung, SangHyun Cho, Junghyuk Moon, Jesus Antonio I. Acapulco Jr., Sungho Park
The 111th spring meeting of the Korean Chemical Society [Poster]


Nanomaterials by Design is based at the Department of Materials at the Begbroke Science Park.

Begbroke Science Park

Sandy Lane